2002 Husky Cup Champions (Nov 9, 2002):
Front: Joe Vincente (Mens Black Belt), Rim Baltaduonis (Green Belt).
Rear: Matt Delude (Mens Brown Belt), Sara Mangold (Junior Black Belt).
Missing: Julie Viehweg (Womens Black Belt), Kahna Katsura (White Belt),
Tim Bui (Junior Brown Belt).
Shaun Rathbun (SE Conn) and Alison Flannery (2nd place green belt kumite)
battle in semi-free sparring.
Dan Napier (1st place mens brown belt kumite, 2nd place kata)
and Matt Delude (2nd place mens brown belt kumite, 1st place kata)
perform Heian Shodan to break the tie for the Husky Cup.
Husky Cup winner Joe Vincente performs Jion to win the Mens Black Belt
Kata competition.